
Since ancient times, maps have always been instruments of orientation, save alleys for the intrepid explorers and scientific references for the geographers. The great thing about maps is that they can be both geographical instruments and also pieces of art. This fact has always been evident, but when a map becomes an artwork? The answer to this question is what prompted me to open my blog

My name is Sofia and I’m an art student. I really enjoy explore the art world and find new artists that can inspire me. The aim of my blog is to show artists which work with maps and which from them create incredible pieces of art in infinite ways. This platform is just about appreciate these fantastic artists. In fact, they contribute to make the world (of maps and not only) a better one.

Check me out on my Instagram, where I post almost everyday new content, on my Pinterest, where you can find even more beautiful pieces of art by these amazing artists, and on my Facebook, if you want to stay in contact. You can write me at artcartography@gmail.com

Artcartography logo By Sofia Signorelli
Artcartography’s Logo by Me 🙂

My logo is created by the collage of the works of various artists to whom I want to give complete credit, the pieces of art are:

Marco Facchetti, Liquid Dream—Ewan David Eason, Mappa Mundi, Florence—Barbara Macfarlane, Red and Blue London—Rebecca Riley, Central-Park-Quadrangle-2

I hope you enjoy my content!